*** To be performed 2-3x per week
1. Warm-up Routine
2. Jumping & Landing
Why – Stimulates eccentric and concentric force
- Toe Drop and Stick (3x-5 reps)
- Toe Drop to Hurdle Bounce and Stick (3x-5 reps)
3. Linear C.O.D (deceleration) – Fielding/Run down/Running to First
Why – Trains force acceptance and change-of-direction (note: use stopwatch to monitor progress)
- 2 yd. Shuffle and Stick (3x/ea way)
- 5-10-5 Shuttle Run (3x/ea way)
4. Linear Acceleration (staggered stance)
Why – Trains first-step quickness (note: use stopwatch to monitor progress)
- Wall Pistons (3 sets)
- 5 and10 yd. Falling Starts (3 sets/each)
5. “5-yard” Directional Step (base stealing)
Why – To get into sprinting position as fast as possible (note: Use stopwatch to monitor progress)
6. Lateral O.D (deceleration) – Fielding/stealing/run down
Why – Helps stay “squared-up” while moving
- 5-yd Shuffles (5/side)
7. Retreating (outfield)
Why – The fastest way to turn and run while keeping our eyes looking forward (note: Use stopwatch to monitor progress)
- Hip Turn Left, Hip Turn Right (5x)
- 10 yd. Front / Backs (4 sets)
- 30 yd. Dash (5 sets, 1-2 min rest between sets)